Call of Duty Elite Beta: Day 17

9 10 2011

At this point I can feel Black Ops wearing me down, muting every 12 year old who feels like singing into his mic.  Not many of my friends play Black Ops anymore, so I’m forced to incessantly converse with myself.  But respectively, Battlefield 3’s beta wasn’t anything that looked more promising.  So the blog about the beta continues with my much needed page, IMPROVE.

IMPROVE essentially shows you every map, weapon, attachment, perk, killstreak, and game mode with Infinity Wards “insider tips” on how to use everything to it’s greatest tactical advantage.  For example you can click on any map and see where every flag, bomb site, capture point and headquarter is.  If you’re bored and would rather study a map instead of actually playing that is.  Watching video like a god damn Monday morning quarterback.

Nuketown Domination capture points marked.

Next you can click on any weapon Black Ops provides seeing it’s stats (that really mean nothing), tips on how to use that weapon, a video guide, and your personal performance using that weapon.  Below the Primary weapons you can choose Secondary weapons and attachments.  I chose the Olympia because my accuracy with the weapon is pretty impressive…

Note the devestation it causes.

Clicking on a perk such as Ghost  suggests that you use a sniper rifle, silencer, and combine it with the Ninja perk to harness Ghost’s full potential.  Also when you scan down you can see your performance on attaining Ghost Pro.

Why doesn't anyone throw down Sentry Guns anymore?

Killstreaks are next, giving you just an overview and your performance using each Killstreak.  The information given here isn’t very impressive and acts more as just a stat recorder.  Lastly you get to see all the available game modes.  Choosing one brings up an overview of that mode, “tips”, suggested classes, and killstreaks.  Your performance in that mode is recorded at the bottom of the page via your completed and active challenges.

The Willy Pete? Really?

And that completes my tour  of the Call of Duty Elite Beta site.  I have to say I’m really impressed with it.  Activision has something here, and as disinterested as I am, curiosity keeps bringing me back to see how I’m doing.  I’m not even a stats nerd, I don’t care about them, but the site is so shiny and nice, so inviting.  It’s really because of this site I’m now looking forward to Modern Warfare 3 and not so much Battlefield 3.  Well played Activision, but I still hate you.

Noobwatch 2011

Prestige 4 Level 38

Winning Percentage

  • 67%

Kill/Death Ratio

  • 1.22

